Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Man at Walmart

So yeah I usually try to be as sarcastic as possible on this thing. 

This time, I'd like share a much more meaningful story. 

The other day I was at Walmart [per usual]. It was a crazy busy day [per usual], and the lines were insanely long. By the time I finally got to be the one paying my life away, I saw a man sitting in a wheelchair. All by himself. It was obvious that he had physical/health issues, and among other things it looked like he broke his leg or somesuch [totally a word]. I was so sad that he was just so alone. 

I was in a mad hurry, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to "hello". I asked what happened to his leg and he couldn't really talk. All I could make out was that he had a brain problem, like a tumor. And immediately I thought, what a small world. He was trying so hard to speak and tell me why he was the way he was, and I looked at him and said, "me too." 

He didn't have facial expressions, but the look on his face totally changed. I think he found it hard to believe, because I was standing and moving and talking [used to it. most doctors didn't believe me either.] 

We shared some mutual experiences, and he told me things like, "I'm paralyzed on the left because my tumor was in this [he points to the right]." In short, almost everything he was saying was something that I miraculously circumvented. If you survive an AVM [my brain problem] and survive the craniotomy, paralysis is almost inevitable. I tried so hard not to cry when I was watching him. I will always feel almost guilty that I'm not in that chair like so many AVM others. There is only one explanation as to why that wasn't me, paralyzed and nearly mute. 

Heavenly Father

In those moments, I think there were a few purposes for them. One being that although life after an AVM and it's belongings is difficult, I live. In ways that most who survive cannot. Walking, talking, moving. I'm like 97%  sure that Heavenly Father was trying to find a way to seriously remind me of what He gave me. At the end of our conversation I just wanted to buoy him up and kept telling him that he is so strong and he survived and he's amazing

As I walked away he said in the most tender voice, "thank you". I'm not sure what he thanked me for, but I needed to be the one thanking. Thanking Heavenly Father for everything and this man for helping me. It was a critical experience for me, and maybe for him too. To find a friend who could share empathy and encourage him. I'll never see him again, but I will always remember that day. 

This quote has gotten me through everything in the past few years:

“I cried because I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet.”


  1. Beautifully done, Mary! What a great message! We have all been saved from something and if we do not express thanks, then it is as if it never happened. But if we remember and recall our blessings and express thankfulness anew, we will see more clearly as time goes by the magnitude of what He has really done for us. Our love for Him will grow in ways it never could. Keep writing Mary. :)

  2. Mary I’m so happy you took that time to stop and connect with the Man at Walmart. We never regret it when we follow that little voice to stop and connect with what matters in the moment. You have a gift to share with the world-one person at a time! I’m grateful for more than words can say here, XOXO MommaG

  3. Mimi did you just quote something?! Or can I quote you??? Your comment is amazing thank you so much! You are so sweet :]. Thank you!

  4. What a treasured way to start my day by reading your tender, touching true story of your Walmart experience.You lifted a soul by taking time to feel their pain and share. Your message is Ensign worthy and someone, Mom, Dad, brother, sister or grandparent should send it in. Your message is your gift to others. Love you so much, Gram

  5. This is great! Thank you for sharing this story. You are an example to all.

  6. Wow Mary! What a touching experience. Thank you for sharing. When we take the time to be kind to others, we are able to be an instrument in the Lord's hands. You were that instrument! So grateful you let Him work through you. That is why the man thanked you. He felt the Saviors love through your kindness. I am grateful to know you. Love, me
