Full of food, love and family. [esp. food. but also family and love. but mainly food.]
It was a party up in here, from 7am to 2am.
So many Goodwin traditions that I love and will carry on!
Big breakfast during the Macy's parade and NFL.
A friendly game of football outside.
Cooking all day, finally with Christmas music.
Decorating the house for a party of a billion.

Family walking through the door with food and smiles.
An amazing spread of all the traditional TGive dishes.
Round the big table stories of gratitude and love.
Catching up with one another while shoveling pie into our pie holes.
Hilarious games until the wee hours. 
And of course, Planes, Trains and Automobiles.
And all we were missing was a couple of siblins. [no, that's not a typo.]
And here is what I am thankful for, in short.
Because my actual list is 209384092384 pages long.
I'm always trying to find more to be thankful for. From a warm blanket to a bright future.
Family and the gospel is all that I will ever need to truly have a thankful heart.
"Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not,
let your hearts be comforted;
yea, rejoice evermore,
and in everything give thanks;"
D&C 98:1